Arguably the biggest song of the Britpop Reunion set, Song 2 by Blur makes everyone go utterly nuts and lose all inhibitions. Sometimes simply known as “Woo-hoo” this track is from Blur’s eponymous fifth studio album and was its second release. Song 2 reached number 2 in the UK charts and is two minutes and two seconds long featuring two verses and two choruses. It also has two bass lines playing over a section of the chorus. That’s a whole lot of TWO’s don’t you think? Prior to this Beetlebum was released and then afterwards “On Your Own” from the same album. Hire a brit pop tribute band or hire a Blur tribute band for a festival, wedding, corporate event or party of any size that live music is required for. Contact band leader Andy Starkey to discuss your date and requirements to hire a live Britpop band.

Watch Song 2 by Blur A Cover of Britpop Reunion
Live at Silverstone festival to 5000 plus festival goers all going crazy singing along with us. Watch the mosh pit get going and people even crowd surfed too. Woooooo-hoooooooo!!!!!!
Some song lyrics from Song 2 by Blur and about the official music video.
A lot of what Damon Albarn is singing during Song Two is just inaudible nonsense in the chorus. But from what we can make out some of the lyrics to the chorus are “Woo-hoo well I feel heavy metal, Woo-hoo and I’m pins and I’m needle.”
The bands video to Song to features them in a small room with not much lighting featuring a wind turbine blowing at them. They are then thrown around the room using spring pull cables. The music video was directed by Sophie Muller who also directed the Blur singles Beetlebum, On Your Own and Tender.
Hire a band who perform Song 2 by contacting Britpop Reunion and have us perform Britpop songs live for you. Check out our other Blur videos of Country House and Parklife. Also why not read more about the Blur album Parklife and how it was shaped and its alternative titles.