More Videos 5
Covering 2019 to 2021 here is More Videos 5 – If you’ve been on the hunt for the UK’s best 90’s cover band then look no further than Britpop Reunion more videos 5 page. It features a selection of professionally shot live nineties band videos that prove we are the most authentic 90’s tribute band around. Formed by Britpop musician Andy Starkey in 2014, Britpop Reunion is the epitome of what you should look for in a 90’s cover band. Our period guitars and clothing, swagger and 90’s guitar tones allow us to faithfully recreate the sounds of Oasis, Blur, Pulp, James, and more. One of our wedding clients even did a dance routine to Pulp’s “Disco 2000” live on stage with us as you will see below. We LOVE it when things like this just occur organically at our live performances.
Just simply contact band leader Andy Starkey to hire the best 90’s tribute band for your event and we’ll check our availability and get back to you with a price ASAP. Watch our more videos 5 page below to see why we’re the cover band you need to book. It features live wedding performances, festival shows, and even a cover of “Smelly Cat” from Friends, all showcasing our authentic sound and enthusiastic performances. Still not convinced? Then come and check us out on Facebook.

Continued More Videos 5
Friends The Reunion – Smelly Cat – May 2021
In preparation for “Friends The Reunion” Andy Starkey put together this video on how to play “Smelly Cat” performed by Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow) in the show on acoustic guitar. Play along with him, it’s a very simple song to master. Learn more about this song from 90’s show Friends.
Daytime Britpop Wedding Performance – March 2021
Another live wedding video this time at Emma & Mark’s daytime wedding at The Malt Shovel in Barston. It really was nice to be able to perform outside and in the daytime for a change. Plus a bonus for us was that we were able to perform again for a different clients later on in the evening.
Don’t Look Back In Anger – January 2021
Delving further back into our past Andy from Britpop Reunion just discovered this performance from 2016 at a festival style wedding. It features our Don’t Look Back In Anger Oasis cover version. All completely live as ever.
Looking Back (But not in anger) – December 2020
To celebrate our sixth anniversary since we first performed together back in December 2014 band leader Andy Starkey has put together this live video featuring highlights from classic Brit pop tracks. Sing along to Female Of The Species, Great Things, Hey Dude and Girl From Mars. Also you’ll hear Wake Up Boo, Staying Out For The Summer, Inbetweener and Riverboat Song.
Married With Children (Oasis Cover) – Live Solo Acoustic September 2020
Britpop musician Andy Starkey performing the final track from Definitely Maybe by Oasis ‘Married With Children‘ while on holiday.
Baby One More Time – University Ball May 2020
Our rocked up cover of the classic Britney Spears late 90’s track ‘Baby One More Time‘ Watch as hundreds of students lose their minds to our live performance.
1990s Wedding Band Photo Montage February 2020
Always thinking outside of the box we created this photo montage of a 90s wedding. The client had taken out our optional extra evening photography services and so the whole night was captured perfectly forever for them.
More Videos – End of Festival Performance by cover band for the nineties
We ‘Borrowed’ this phone video footage from a Twitter user as it sums up the end of our festival performance so nicely. Andy triumphantly lifts his bass guitar above his head to rapturous applause as the show finally ends with Don’t Look Back In Anger by Oasis. “So Sally Can Wait, she knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by”.
More from more videos 5 – Parklife by Blur Live at ‘Gig On Rec’ Festival – Claygate – July 2019
A live performance of Parklife by Blur at Claygate, Surrey festival band. Britpop Reunion also perform other songs by Britpop band Blur including Country House and others. Definitely Britpop band to book for your event. “All the people, so many people, and they all go hand in hand, hand in hand through their Parklife“
Cover Band Wedding – Hull – June 2019
Performing Brit pop and nineties cover band songs. Watch till the end to see the many, MANY reviews we got from this wedding performance. Songs featured include Rembrants “I’ll Be There For You (Theme from “Friends”)”, Chumbawamba “Tubthumping“, Deep Blue Something “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, Blur “Parklife“. Also Alanis Morissette “Ironic”, Ocean Colour Scene “The Day We Caught The Train“, James “Sit Down“. Pulp “Disco 2000“. There no other Brit pop tribute band out there like ‘Britpop Reunion’.
Bride does Pulp “Disco 2000” dance routine – Hull – June 2019
You think you might know the odd Pulp fan or two, but bride Natalie is an absolutely huge Pulp fan. So much so that she booked Britpop Reunion due to how much Andy can rock the Jarvis Cocker look and sound. Watch as Natalie relived her 90’s disco days by performing a whole routine on stage with us (Completely off the cuff) to Disco 2000.
We had no idea this was going to happen, but these kinds of things are what make Britpop Reunion the most recommended 90’s tribute band around. As well as the many lovely things Natalie and her groom Jamie said about our performance the most amazing quote is “It was literally like having Pulp perform at my wedding”. Pulp tribute band Britpop Reunion.
More Videos 5 presents Sit Down by James nineties cover band – London – May 2019
Sam’s celebrated his 40th birthday at Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club, London and book a nineties cover band. Sam is a big James fan so here is Britpop Reunion performing one of their biggest hits “Sit Down“. Also our ninties band perform ‘Laid‘ by James as well.
40th Birthday Party Band – Salisbury – April 2019
Milford Hall Hotel, Salisbury was the setting for Charlotte’s 40th 90’s birthday party band. Live songs in this video include I’ll Be There For You (Theme from “Friends”), Friday I’m In Love, Dakota, Wonderwall, Tubthumping, I’m A Believer, Don’t Look Back In Anger, Common People
Older videos archives
We’ve got that many videos having been around since 2014 that we’ve had to split them over multiple pages.
Latest and greatest videos
1990s Cover Band Latest And Greatest Video & Audio
Covers Of Nineties Songs Videos 6
More Videos 5
Nineties Cover Band Music Videos Archive 4
Nineties Tribute Band Archived Videos 3
90s Tribute Act Videos Archive 2
Nineteen Nineties Cover Band Videos Archive 1
to when the band started in 2014